This link is for the use of large schools that have between 800-1100 students and wish to purchase the Study Skills Handbook.
What is the Study Skills Handbook?
The ELES Online Study Skills Handbook Site provides a comprehensive and interactive online experience for the secondary school community (students, parents and teachers) to develop the study skills needed for success in secondary school studies. This approach taps into students’ affinity with technology to create a new and effective way to improve students’ study skills. There are currently over 40 interactive units of work on the site, a number of additional mini-units and lots of extra features.
The school subscribes for the year and receives a school user name and password for their school that they can give to all of the students, teachers and parents in their high school community. Schools with a secure section of their website can also place a link on a page on the school site where students can click directly through to the handbook site without needing to enter a user name or password.
The handbook site can be used independently or in conjunction with other ELES resources or sessions as a multi-layered approach that will assist further in the development of students’ study skills. The aim is to allow schools to address study skills from as many different angles as possible so that students get a wide exposure to and reinforcement of the ideas and the opportunity to access the information in many different ways. As teachers we know that it may be necessary to explain or present a concept in a number of different ways so that all students have the ‘aha, I get it’ moment.